Donald Trump sue his opponent over misleading Election results

Donald J.Trump United State of America goes to the poll again to determine who should lead  the state for the next 4years. Results from major Television networks have it that  Joe Baiden for the Democrats is in a comfortable lead. Election Results as at 7:34pm GMT But this is what Trump have to say concerning the law suit  Statement from President Donald J. Trump "We all know why Joe Biden is rushing to falsely pose as the winner, and why his media allies are trying so hard to help him they don't want the truth to be exposed. The simple fact is this election is far from over. Joe Biden has not been certified as the winner of any states, let alone any of the highly contested states headed for mandatory recounts, or states where our campaign has valid and legitimate legal challenges that could determine the ultimate victor. In Pennsylvania, for example, our legal observers were not permitted meaningful access to watch the counting process, Legal votes decide who is preside...

COVID 19 and The Proposal to re-open schools

Children and Teachers are pushing for when schools will reopened

This is a worry to these peoples.

On The Pulse,with Gifty Andor Appiah Hon. Kakari the convenor of TTA, formal university of teachers association of Ghana (UTAG), Dr. Harry Agbenu  are of the view that,
Schools should not be in hurry to resume any moment from now with the following suggestions
some schools in France  resume school with their numbers in  COVID 19 cases shooting up.

Education in Ghana has a higher population considering Student in particular.

Few countries in Africa have also made plans of reopening of schools.

Most are of the view that  government will come out will measures on the 31st of this month as to how schools should reopened.

Basic schools are likely to run the shift system of schooling where pupils will study for 4 hours without  going out for break and giving the chance to the next set of batch to come and take another 4 hours.

Final years students in the senior and junior high schools should be made to write their final year examination

Teachers and students should get tested during the reopening day to give a clear picture as to how the virus is spreading.

How schools should resume schools should be made a bottom up approach where the Parents, Chiefs and other stakeholders in the community should come out with how they want the schools should  reopen.

All these proposal are for for September or sooner.

As a Parent or Teacher

What's is your view as to how  THE SCHOOLS should reopen?



  1. I think should should be opened and we study for four hours without break and another group too four hours ...this will help alot


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