Donald Trump sue his opponent over misleading Election results

Donald J.Trump United State of America goes to the poll again to determine who should lead  the state for the next 4years. Results from major Television networks have it that  Joe Baiden for the Democrats is in a comfortable lead. Election Results as at 7:34pm GMT But this is what Trump have to say concerning the law suit  Statement from President Donald J. Trump "We all know why Joe Biden is rushing to falsely pose as the winner, and why his media allies are trying so hard to help him they don't want the truth to be exposed. The simple fact is this election is far from over. Joe Biden has not been certified as the winner of any states, let alone any of the highly contested states headed for mandatory recounts, or states where our campaign has valid and legitimate legal challenges that could determine the ultimate victor. In Pennsylvania, for example, our legal observers were not permitted meaningful access to watch the counting process, Legal votes decide who is preside...

Teaching and Learning in the Light of COVID 19

How teaching and learning remain open in the light of COVID 19
Tutors of colleges of education in collaboration with T-TEL are adopting radical approaches to ensure the continuity of teaching and learning in Ghanaian schools.
Ghana’s teacher education system and responding to COVID 19. the past few years have seen momentous and positive changes within Ghana’s Teacher Education system as we have embarked upon the most ambitious and comprehensive set of reforms to initial teacher education in our nation’s history.
These reforms are driven by a desire to ensure that we produce teachers who can inspire learners and encourage critical thinking, problem solving, and creativity rather than on factual recall to pass written examinations.
Stakeholders’ consensus was developed through dialogue and consultation with key actors and agencies across the educational system which led to the production of the National Teacher’s Standard (NTS). These standards set out a common expectation of Ghanaian teacher’s knowledge, behavior and practice which then formed the basis of the review and revision of the Teacher Education Curriculum
Since 2018 Ghana’s 46 public colleges of education have been delivering a new Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) in initial teacher education which has been carefully designed to ensure that it produces a cadre of skilled, knowledgeable and motivated Ghanaian teacher who meet the requirement of the NTS.
A team of international bodies have already described the content of this B.Ed. as being truly world class and the task head of us now is to ensure that implementation of the B.Ed. is also a world class.
 Overview Report by; Prof Mohammed Salifu, Executive Secretary of  the National Council For Tertiary Education & Robin Todd, T-Tel Team Leader


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